Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

The 12 Commandments To Follow When Presenting to Investors

In business, as in everything else, communication is key. If you want to give your project its best chance at getting funded, there are certain key points that I like to call the 12 Funding Commandments that you must abide by, questions you must answer before even your investor(s) asks. You present these clearly and concisely, you've got yourself a killer Presentation.
1) Who is the applicant (Legal name, whether you or your company or the company that will be created specifically for this project) and exact location (complete street address and full contact details)
2) Ownership of the company has to be crystal clear and if the company is controlled by a holding company: who are the principals of the holding? Investors must know who are the individuals behind the corporation, along with full contact details
3) Brief description of your project (maximum 10 lines)
4) Detailed cost of the project (no need for fancy graphs, just tell it like it is)
5) Cash invested by the principals (i.e. you or partners in project)? Do you have "skin in the game" and if you don't bring cash, what do you bring and what is the value of what you bring (a patent for instance can be worth much more than cash)
6) Do you have additional cash you can invest or are you completely broke after investing your first money? (Don't lie, they'll find out. Tell it like it is)
7) Further to the money you have invested, what is the actual value 'as is where is' of your project if you were to sell it tomorrow?
8) How much money are you looking for and under what structure (debt only, equity only or a combination of each?)
Note: make sure your figures add up if you're looking for an equity partner. If say your project is worth $1M and you're looking for $5M and say that investment will be worth 20% of your company, your math doesn't add up and that will make you look greedy - and like someone who flunked out of math class in high school.
The deal offered has to make sense.
Same reasoning - if you declare a $1M value for your project and you want to borrow $5M, what will be your investor's collateral to cover the $4M gap?
9) You need to present a detailed use of funds and a schedule of disbursement, which once again has to make sense. If you are applying for $100M to build a hotel, you will not need the lender/ investor to dump $100M into the bank account in a one shot deal (nice dream, though, isn't it?), but rather the lender/ Investor will match the disbursement of the funding to the construction ( implementation) of the project.
Same reasoning goes for all other types of projects.
10) Exit Strategy. You need to be crystal clear about the repayment of the advances (whether equity or debt) and you have to back it up with very strong supporting documents! (in any given case you need to submit a detailed and professionally prepared Business Plan)
11) Define clearly and logically the strengths and weaknesses of the project (maximum 5 lines). Again, honesty is the best policy. If your investors catch you in a lie about the weaknesses of your project, you won't get a second chance to present it.
12) Lastly, what is your experience (as promoter of this project) in the line of business related to the project; are you going into a venture you know nothing about and hoping to 'make it work' or are you a professional in your industry and you know what you're talking about?
Sometimes we are tempted to make to hide the downsides of a project, or at least downplay them, but that will work against you. Rather, if you present clearly your project and everything about it and make the investor(s) understand that you know the risks and you're ready for them, that will make you look like a much stronger candidate. These 12 Commandments can be broken down and used in most other types of presentation, whether for the expansion of a company, presenting a new business idea, or even presenting a company's standing and future vision.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6886182

The 12 Commandments To Follow When Presenting to Investors

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

How Warren Buffett Makes Money

Warren Buffett, a brilliant business man, one of the richest and most charitable people in the world, was being interviewed on CBS's "Person to Person". The premise of the show is to give viewers a glimpse into the lives of some of today's most important artists and newsmakers.
We got a tour of Buffett's office. I have no doubt that it was straightened up a bit before the cameras rolled but this is what I saw.
- An inviting room with a lot of natural light.
- A large desk with a lot of working space.
- A phone front and center.
- A small pile of reading material on the desk.
- Pictures on the wall representing some of the most influential people and moments of his life.
- And most notably... NO computer.
For the most part my office is a lot like Mr. Buffett's (okay, it's not quite as big). I have a lot of natural light. A nice, large desk. A small pile of paper on my desk of things that I'm currently working on and pictures around me of the most important and influential people in my life. The real difference is that my phone is a little left of center because my computer and monitor take front and center stage in my life.
How could Buffett not have a computer anywhere in his office? He's a gazillionaire and has made most of his fortune in the stock market buying and selling on information. I spent 15 years working on Wall Street. I know there HAS TO BE a computer and a TV. How else could he know what's going on in the world every single second?
Ahh... but that's just it. One of the things Buffett said during the interview was that he is happy if he makes one good decision a year. He does his research by speaking to people (on his phone) and by reading reports and other information (mostly on paper). He takes his time to study the landscape, make a few solid decisions and act on them. And when he acts he sticks with his decision. He is known for buying stock in a company and holding onto it for the long run.
I am positive that Buffett has missed out on a lot of opportunities with his way of thinking but at the same time his strategy has done pretty well.
Granted, he has many people working for him that consolidate information for him and present him with what he specifically wants, but he does not spend his day distracted by all of the incoming email and the second-by-second news headlines. He gives himself the space and permission to focus his attention on his decision making process and what works for him.
Here are my top seven takeaways from Mr. Buffett's interview.
1. Make one really good decision a year you're golden.
2. Don't try to do it all.
3. If you miss something it's okay.
4. When you take your time and make a solid decision stick with it and see where it goes. The day to day fluctuations aren't the concern it's performance over the long run.
5. It's all about connections. The most important thing in Buffett's office is his phone.
6. Don't forget what made you who you are and what's important to you. In addition to pictures of family, Buffett has his Dale Carnegie Speaking Class diploma on his wall. He swears that this $100 class is what led him to where he is today.
7. Remove the distractions. Move away from the computer when you need to really focus on something (or at least shut off the "you've got mail" notifications!).
Warren Buffett is an incredible man with many lessons to teach all of us. What lesson are you going to apply to your business today?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6896178

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Top 10 Small Business Ideas for 2012

Starting a small business takes a lot of planning and the ability to execute your business plans. Though it doesn't require a big capital for a small business however you cannot lose your capital as this will cause a serious trouble on the financial front at the same time your future expansion plans. If you have knowledge about how to run a business successfully, you won't be able to take a wrong move that can affect your business plans. Before we go on further to the small business ideas, refer to the tips for running a small business.
• Can it sustain your everyday expenses and can it profit you.
• Can it raise enough funds to get it running for a long time and can become a profitable venture.
• Is it something that is needed everyday and does it has an appeal to sell on a steady basis?
• Is it something that you know how to do and can you do it well?
• Is it something that you like to do and doesn't mind you at all doing it over and over again?
Now that we know our objective in putting up a small business let's go forward and see what are the best idea for small business this 2012.
1. Online business - this may include article writing/blogging, virtual assistant, translator, copy writer or bookkeeper, data entry, etc. This is one of the ideal business ideas for beginners would be to take advantage of various online business opportunities. By doing online data entry and online paid survey jobs, you can earn money per hour for your work. The more accuracy and consistency you show in your job, the more work you will get.
2. Mobile apps development - almost all people nowadays possesses a mobile phone and included on the mobile phone is application that people always uses. Calendars, Alarm Clocks, notepads are some example of applications that are commonly downloaded. Whether this is a businessman, a politician, an artist or just an ordinary person has a lot or even tons of mobile application.
3. Make-up artist or hair salons - Providing either makeup artist services or hair salons is yet another interesting small business idea. Makeup artists are in great demand in the fashion and entertainment industry. If you have the required makeup skills and talent, you can start your own company and do the makeup of television and movie stars. By providing good service, you can get long-term contracts which will increase your revenues greatly. The great thing about hair salons is that they are a sure thing. No matter how dismal the economic climate, women will still scrape together the money to get their hair done, even if they have to let their nails go. So hair salons with talented stylists and well-priced services will still be real money makers.
4. Cleaning services (pool, yard, garage etc.) - A cleaning service is a good business proposition for a person who relishes the idea of cleaning apartments, homes and commercial establishments. Housekeeping is an art and people are typically deterred by the prospect of getting grease, tough stains and odors out of carpets, keeping their bathroom clean and eliminating odors from their refrigerator. Hence, a cleaning service can be a steady source of income assuming that there are no immediate competitors. Otherwise, one would have to spend money on advertising and this may eat into one's profits. Cleaning services can operate round the clock since residential apartments are generally cleaned during the day while commercial buildings are cleaned after office-hours. Considering that cleaning services earn popularity and goodwill through word of mouth, a job that is well done will rarely go unnoticed.
5. Elder assistant or baby sitting - being a babysitter doesn't require you to have a license, with more parents needing to work and offering a home based child care can be a great way of starting your own business while taking care of your own kids too. The growing numbers of senior baby boomers also provide growing business opportunities for senior care. In-home care and senior residences are the obvious ones, but don't forget all the related opportunities such as driving, delivery, catering and cleaning services for seniors who want to stay in their homes. You can certainly develop your own business providing care for seniors.
6. Recycler - the best thing of being a recycler is that you're not just earning your own money and you're also helping the environment. Average homeowner doesn't always know where or how to recycle the stuff they've got. A pickup truck are all you'd need to start buying or simply offering to remove scrap metal, old computers, electronics, ink cartridges and other recyclable materials.
7. Event management/party planner - Event management or party planning can also be a good option for a small business. Event planners have to organize a particular event by taking into consideration the suggestions given by their clients. This job requires creativity, patience and ability to get work done from people on time. It can help you be a successful event planner if have a good team of creative professional that can help you organize the event under you.
8. Online selling - whether this is a pre-loved or brand-new stuff you can still earn big bucks. This is being popularized by e-bay. There are still some people who have a whole lot of money and are willing to spend it on the name products that matter. Luxury handbags, scarves, and shoes for women are still selling well, for instance.
9. Social media consultants - With the ever rising of the social media era and the giant social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and You tube, businesses have been taking advantage of this to gain more exposure for their brands and products. With more than 800 million active users in Facebook alone, business promotion in this top social networking site is now a priority for business owners and marketers. If you have the social media marketing skills that can outsource likes and follows for your client's business, then this business can help you earn cold cash on the Internet.
10. Pet related services such as pet sitter, pet cleaning and grooming services - Most Canadians and Americans loves pet especially dogs and feeding, caring for them and pampering their pooches a spending priority. Kennels, doggie daycare, dog treat bakeries and dog resorts are few of the things that you may want to venture in.
These are not necessarily ideas for businesses that anyone can start however you can get some idea on the list above. But in my opinion, these are business opportunities that are going to provide real chances to make money in 2012 and beyond. Business that is done right, in the right place and for the right people may be profitable enterprises for years to come. If you've been considering a sale in 2012, take your time and do it right. Plan ahead, research your market and stand out from the competition. Knowing the sales process is half the battle. With proper preparation, you can ensure a stress free transition and a financially successful exit from your business.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6787012

Top 7 Habits of Highly Effective Bosses

Having a good boss makes a great difference in any work environment. But what traits make a highly effective boss who not only earns the respect of team members but also of peers and superiors? Experience being a given, here are 7 habits of effective bosses that not only earn them the respect but also enable them to handle any challenge that comes their way:
  1. They are decisive - Effective bosses are known to make decisions quickly and are slow to change those decisions. That's often seen as stubborn or even resistant to change but it boils down to this: A boss that changes his or her decisions frequently is seen as indecisive, confusing, and loses the respect as a team leader. Often those who change decisions often rely too heavily on impressing others with their title and position instead of understanding what's in front of them. Well informed quick decision making is a signature of highly effective bosses
  2. They make definite plans and know how to execute them - Leading by guesswork without definite plans can be seen as disorganized. For the most part, effective bosses take the time to think things through, weigh all options and come up with viable ways to address positive and negative risks that may arise. Essentially, they plan their work and work their plan.
  3. They have good personalities - I remember during the first week of my new job, I was told how tough and mean my boss was. With that in mind, no one was more surprised than I when he invited me to a party at his house during the first week of my new job. I went and it was the best party I ever went to. He saw me, made time to ask me how I was doing. The following week at work, it was business as usual but that party was a topic of discussion. He was still one of my toughest bosses that pushed to be a better analyst but he knew how to laugh and have a good time with everyone.
  4. They sympathize with others - It's easy for some bosses to dismiss the personal issues of team members citing that if it's not work related then it's not that important. That was the party line for many years but effective bosses realize that paying attention to team members as well as their work is essential to having a productive team. Not only does it make the employee feel like they matter, it is also good business. A boss that sympathizes and provides resources to his/her team is a part of the holistic business approach that is good for team morale as well as business at large.
  5. They are masters of details - A former boss of mine looked at one of my data sheets and told me what happened during the fourth week in January 1996 and why the strategy we were using in February 2007 needed to align with that. It was both scary and amazing. His in-depth knowledge of such details not only showed me that he respected the seriousness of his position but it also inspired me respect my position that much more.
  6. They take full responsibility for themselves and their team - When a mistake is made, it is easy for a boss to (subtly or overtly) point the finger. But the best bosses I've seen have embodied the motto The buck stops here. For any and all errors, they take responsibility and choose not to blame anyone else for their mistakes. That habit earns the respect of not only their team but also of their superiors.
  7. They know how to enlist the cooperation of others - For any project to work, there needs to be 'buy-in' from all parties. There are many ways to enlist cooperation but an effective boss knows that one of the best ways is to use referential authority to induce team members' and project sponsor cooperation.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6861531

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Jaguar XK Artisan SE

Every Jaguar XK represents a compelling combination of advanced engineering and cosseting luxury, yet the latest additions to the evolving range - the Jaguar XK Artisan SE models - further enhance that luxury quality through the introduction of hand-crafted 'Artisan' interiors.
Available in both coupe and convertible form, the Special Edition model's Artisan interior introduces the use of tactile 'scraffito' finished leather to the front seats, instrument binnacle, door and rear quarter casings. In combination with Poltrona Frau® leather headlinings, two new veneer finishes - Shadow Walnut and Dark Figured Aluminium - and standard features including a 525W Bowers & Wilkins sound system, 16 by 16 way adjustable heated Performance seats, a heated steering wheel and keyless entry/start, each Special Edition model promises a heightened level of opulence and comfort.
To complement the sumptuous use of materials, Jaguar's design team, led by Director of Design Ian Callum, specified two exclusive Artisan interior colourways for the Special Edition models; Navy with Jet headlining and Truffle with Canvas headlining. Convertible hood colours have also been carefully selected and include Black, Blue, Grey and Brown. Special Edition treadplates and stainless steel pedals are additional discreet enhancements.
An exterior paint palette of three colours includes the exclusive Special Edition colour of Celestial Black, Polaris White and Rhodium Silver being the alternative options. A new 20-inch alloy wheel design completes the exterior changes; Orona style with a polished finish.
XK: an advanced choice
Whether in coupe or convertible form, each Special Edition model benefits from the advanced engineering techniques inherent to the entire Jaguar XK range. Jaguar is industry-leading in its use of aluminium technology, and both coupe and convertible models utilise riveted and bonded aluminium monocoque construction that means light weight, exceptional rigidity and strength. In combination with continuously variable adaptive damping - standard on all models - and a 5.0-litre direct-injection V8 petrol engine in 385PS naturally-aspirated form, the result is a beautifully damped yet controlled ride, precise handling, and effortless performance when required.
UK pricing: Coupé - £77,350 (OTR), Convertible - £82,500 (OTR)

Peugeot 208 GTi Concept

Peugeot is revealing not one, but two concept cars at the 2012 Geneva Motor Show, which present two expressions of the Marque's upmarket trend in the supermini segment. These concept cars interpret the generation leap already defined by the 208 but in different contexts. The XY Concept is intended for city dwellers who love distinction and refinement, whereas the Peugeot 208 GTi Concept re-generates an iconic legend.
The first thing that attracts you with the 208 and especially with these two concepts is the detailing of the signature LED headlamp design, which is prominently visible both day and night. Using Full-LED technology, the front directional indicators surround the main beam headlamps giving these concept cars the impression of having an iris. The rectangular headlamp units, when used on main beam, appear to have a 'feline pupil' … a technological and precise expression that is fully identifiable with the lion Marque.

This precision continues with the integrated style components adorning the bodywork. Wheel arches have wing extensions, and bodywork with sills enhance the stance.
Peugeot 208 GTi Concept: The re-generation of a legendary icon
The first sensations are completely visual and evident as soon as the Peugeot 208 GTi Concept is revealed. Instantly characterised by being the performance icon of the 208, it features chequered-flag motifs that embellish the metal mesh of the grille, and the lower bar proudly affirms its origin by displaying the French 'Le Tricolour' flag or the Union Jack when in the UK.
Other distinctive exterior features include: double chromed exhaust tailpipes, aero lower bodywork spoilers and lower sill skirt extensions that all capture the signature badging. Placed within the grille is the brushed aluminium GTi Concept logo that can also be found on the rear quarter panels, as a salute to its illustrious predecessor - the legendary 205 GTi.
On the inside, the passenger compartment is a true GTi environment, with a characteristic sports leather stitched steering wheel, the treatment of which is replicated on the sides of the gear lever, double stitching in the seats and enhanced with LED backlighting to the surrounds of the high-tech instruments. The sports seats are trimmed with Nappa leather on the outer section, and cloth in the centre with an embossed tartan motif, and a leather head restraint.
The red perforated leather steering wheel continues the check motif, and has a pronounced lower flat section, which carries the GTi Concept logo set in an aluminium ring. To complete the sports interior, the fascia capping is dressed in Alcantara with grey stitching, the roof lining is entirely black and the pedals are aluminium. The centre console architecture and ventilation vents all feature a graduated red to black effect, and the chequered-flag theme is also present on the aluminium door crossbars.
The Peugeot 208 GTi Concept takes its propulsion from the powerfully-compact RCZ THP 200 engine. Combined with a 6-speed manual gearbox, the 1.6-litre THP engine puts its driver at the controls of a machine that captivates the potential for a great driving experience. Like all 208s, a small steering wheel greets the driver and with the GTi Concept, this accentuates the dynamic capability of this car with the enhanced power available. With the raised instrument panel in line of sight, the information is clearly visible from the dials that have a brushed aluminium background and very precise graduations.

The GTi Concept also benefits from the improvements that characterise the 208, taking full advantage of its compactness and lightness, delivering road-holding that is both excellent and precise. To enhance the dynamic experience, it has a 36mm wider track, at the front and at the rear, and a rear roof spoiler to generate down force at speed. For optimum braking performance, the GTi Concept is equipped with four discs; 302mm diameter at the front and 249mm at the rear, set off by red-painted brake callipers.
Peugeot 208 XY Concept: Urban chic
Powered by a 1.6-litre e-HDi engine, developing 115bhp and equipped with a 6-speed manual gearbox the Peugeot 208 XY Concept transports its occupants in a refined environment, with a Crimson colour treatment applied to exterior bodywork and the decorated interior.
Special 'Pulsion' paintwork means the XY Concept appears to constantly change, depending on the distance and the position from which it is viewed. This ability to transform is the result of an exclusive method, based on the very precise application of sixteen coats of paint and lacquer.
The passenger compartment is trimmed with crimson stitched leather on the dashboard, armrests, steering wheel rings, gear lever gaiter and sides, and with stripes on seat inserts and floor mats, while the panoramic glass roof is edge-trimmed in black leather.
Pearly grey leather pleated seats feature five metal rings, which pinch and tighten the material. This precision in the working of the material continues with an exclusive steering wheel in leather, with crimson micro-stripes with a chrome insert in the lower section. Bathed in the natural light provided by the panoramic glass roof, with white ambiance lighting, the finishing touches to the interior add a 'gunmetal' aesthetic treatment to the door crossbars, steering wheel decorations and vent trims.
The Peugeot 208 XY Concept rides on exclusive dual-effect 18" alloy wheels complementing its 'Pulsion' colour and special detailing with coloured chrome decorating the panoramic glass roof trim. The lower window edge and the quarter panel are finished off with a special grille treatment with three horizontal chrome bars.