Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Increase Reading Comprehension - What You Must Know

by: Glen Marks

Many grade school, high school and college students have a huge amount of reading to cope with on an every day basis. Reading textbooks, journals, papers, mags, theses, and other materials can be mind boggling even for students who like to read. Aside from keeping all info, understanding the meaning of any reading material is an important reading talent. If you're one of the students who have a lot to read for school, here are a few ideas to increase reading comprehension.

First, make mental notes on the main concept of the selection and what the author is attempting to say. This will definitely increase reading comprehension. It's better to put your mental notes in writing. Write an outline of every article or chapter you have read. Over time, you can realize how well you're improving in terms of reading comprehension.

Unless you're a 100 percent genius, there are certain parts of a reading material that you will not understand. But don't skip to the next chapter-you might miss out on a vital point or idea if you don't do something regarding the hard-to-understand selection. You can ask a buddy or look for different sources to understand what a certain text is all about. You can also read aloud, ( but not too loud to bug others ) so that you can hear what you're reading. That way, you can better understand the sentences and increase reading comprehension.

Most of the time, tricky words make it hard for people to totally understand the meaning of a selection. Look up in order to understand the meaning of troublesome words or terms in a dictionary. To increase reading comprehension, you need to expand your vocabulary.

There are systems that not only teach techniques to http://only5minutes.info/, but also significantly increase reading speed. The benefits of improving these skills can be excellent for both improving your performance in school or for your career. Imagine the superb time savings from learning these talents and using them in your daily routine.


If you would like to see more great information, you can see more here, about:** Article must be manually approved before URL is available **.

2 komentar:

  1. Very useful post. Thank you.

  2. Yes this is a great post, I love to read yet it's always a challenge doing it the best of my ability. Therefore I read and feel blessed with whatever I'm able to grasp.

    Dorothy from grammology
