Rabu, 03 November 2010

Toxic Success

By : Mahda

How do you actually perceive the most popular word in working atmosphere which often called with Success? Is it the end of one’s perfect strike from thousand times of challenges? Or is it only the beginning from another big hit to follow? Is it the original wishes from your journey’s desires? Or is it nothing more than just a form of your manipulative perspective from the head?

Sometimes, we are too deep influenced in many terms of success. We unquestionably end up with enormous list to do, life gets so hectic, and pressure climbs extremely high. We, the sufferer, are drawn in a set of toxic-fully success.
Toxic-fully success, demands a lot of efforts beyond your own strength. Your soul begins to feel exhausted time by time. It finally scrubs you out from your sense, yourself, even your social life.
Existence is the human nature. Human existences (on earth), on the other hand, simply tolerates no excessively energy sucked up and more no imbalance. What could be the most possible then following those destructions?
Of course! It is huge changes.
Well, moving from this sphere actually is another story to tell. It has to be one period with strong commitment and awareness. It requires confirmation from your top to toe, from your out and in. Even breaking all the rules you’ve made for the best achievement ever in your life. Confronting all the norms people has made for the sake of their best living in years to come. Despite all, why don’t you just give it a shot?

Here are steps to reach the line:
Shift your orientation management from time to attention (management).
At the same time, do some small changes like be the person who feel more blessed. Do you know that the life you have now is the best you’ve ever get?
Further, turn your outside trends to inside.
Learn to shut up, go to your heart, and struggle with silence. Doing Yoga, praying and other kinds of meditations are probably worth to try.
Release your addiction to electronic devices and let go all the pleasure paranoia. No hand phone, computer, I pod, even TV set.

Good luck friends.

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