Kamis, 28 April 2011

What Affects Auto Insurance Costs

For many motorists obtaining at least some form of automobile insurance is required in order to operate a motor vehicle. Even in states where coverage is not a requirement having the proper amount of protection is still highly recommended. Maintaining a policy, however, does not have to be inconvenient or expensive, and with a little bit of research vehicle owners are likely to located an adequately priced protection plan. Many state Insurance Departments will strongly recommend that residents shop around for the most affordable policies because there are many different qualities that determine how much car insurance cost and often insurers establish prices differently.
One of the most common contributing factors in determining a person’s premium is a motorist’s driving record. The number of claims that a person files, or the number of tickets received in a given time period can dramatically alter one’s coverage costs. Many insurers typically view vehicle owners with poor records as being higher risk motorists. This means that policy providers generally determine, based off of an individual’s previous encounters, how likely they are to file another claim in the near future and adjust rates accordingly in order to compensate for the risk of providing coverage for a particular individual. Although many insurers prefer to provide coverage to lower-risk drivers, there are some companies that specialize in insuring higher-risk motorists. Searching through all available options is likely to produce an adequate policy provider.

Additional Ways to Affect Auto Insurance Costs

The type of automobile that an individual plans to insure can also play a part in how much coverage will cost. Typically vehicles that have higher crash test ratings or are cheaper to repair will net lower premium prices. Additionally, owning a car that is less likely to be stolen or has a variety of safety features can also lower costs. If possible, before purchasing a policy motorists should consider researching which vehicles are likely to attract higher insurance costs and opt of features such as anti-theft devices, automatic seat belts, or additional airbags in order to save money. Including several of these extra features may even warrant additional coverage discounts that may decrease rates even further.
Additionally, motorists should be aware that in some states coverage providers are allowed to adjust a person’s premium based off of their previous credit history with a process called credit scoring. When doing this, insurers may examine one’s credit to determine how likely a motorist is to make payments on time and adjust premium prices accordingly. In some states this process is either not allowed or restricted to some degree. Vehicle owners are encouraged to contact their local State Insurance Regulators in order to find out more information about their state’s stance of adjusting insurance prices based on one’s credit history.

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