Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Do You Keep Your New Years Resolution?

By Chris Drag

2010 is quickly coming to an end and it gives every one of us 2 things to consider.
#1 - we look back on 2010 and think about everything that happened, what we did and how we can improve.
#2 It gives us something to look forward to - 2011.
The one thing that MILLIONS of people do is create a new years resolution list - I won't lie, I make one too, however the one thing that nearly everyone forgets to do is simply - follow your list..
One of the best known resolutions is related to personal health. Personally
I feel that everyone says, I'm going to work out. I'm going to lose weight. I'm going to do this - that - etc. The sad thing is that most people wont follow through or will work out for a few weeks then call it quits. This is perfect for gym owners so get paid $XX each month - but bad for the person not utilizing his/her membership... Which brings me to my next point...
Make sure that you make REALISTIC resolutions! If you are going to make a new years resolution - make it something that is achievable and can be accomplished.For example, I usually make 2 lists. The first one focuses on PERSONAL goals, the second focuses on goals related to my hobbies such as my blog and online selling. I suggest you follow these short, easy to remember tips for creating a successful resolution list:
  • DONT just create a list of things that you never plan on doing.
  • Make short easy to remember goals that will benefit you AND will be accomplished.
  • Create a large list.
  • Spread out these goals over a year.
Here are some of my personal goals that I WILL accomplish in 2011.
Go to the gym 2 times a week. Get to work 5 minutes earlier each day. Focus more time on building a better family relationship. Start looking for a house.
Purchase a premium theme for my blog. Create an email list on my blog. Join Twitter. Develop 2 more domains that are parked now.
Those are some of my goals that I will work towards accomplishing. Each goal can be measures and can be completed with some effort. Those are the goals you want!
I am really looking forward to comments! What are your new years resolutions? do you follow them? do you ever give up? what are some things you want to accomplish in 2011?

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