Senin, 27 Desember 2010

How to Make a Fresh Start in Life

By Clement Sadjere

Life can be sweet and enjoyable especially when everything is going according to plans. It can however turn sour with time when goals cannot be accomplished and family pressure keeps pushing us on all fronts. To some individuals, such unfavorable situations evoke a certain level of anger, anguish and eventually defeat.
When faced with apparent failure, defeat and mounting pressure, there are certain steps one can take to ensure a fresh start in the journey of life. These steps may not be easy to implement,
but they are solid platform upon which we can build back our broken foundations.
Forget about the past
When you have tried all the best to ensure you succeed in a given venture, and yet failure shows up unannounced, it can be so frustrating. To some, it is better they forget about trying and give up on that precious dream. The truth however, is that you cannot recover from your past failure when you keep looking back at the mistakes of yesterday. Yesterday has gone, and there are thousands of opportunities ahead of you waiting to be exploited. The sooner we realize the futility of looking behind and the need to look ahead, the better we become.
Failure is not final
One of the best way to ensure we get a fresh start to life after a major failure, is to realize that failure is not final. The fact that you have previously failed does not imply that you are a total failure. There are numerous examples of brilliant individuals who had false starts in life, but they picked up the pieces of their life and transformed their bitter experience into a success story. If you failed in achieving your set goals this year, there is always an opportunity to make an amend next year.
Make changes where to ensure a fresh start
Life is dynamic, and so we must be dynamic if we must succeed in whatever we do. After a major setback in life, it may be expedient that we analyze the cause of such failure and make necessary changes where applicable. It may be necessary for you to change environment or job to gain a better perspective of life.
When a football club with so much potential keeps performing poorly against the expectation of both management and fans, it sometimes results to drastic changes in the coaching crew. Underperforming players are sacked and better ones are recruited to give the club a fresh start.
Likewise, we must look inward and start making proactive changes in our life if ever we desire success. It may not be easy to implement, but its worth the pains. The road to success is after all not smooth, but bumpy and filled with lots of obstacles, which can be frustrating.
Clement Sadjere is an Author, a motivational speaker and an information product sales/ marketing expert. He can be reached via telephone on +2348052790262 He is the owner of a free article directory website

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