Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

New things!!

 by Budi Martanto

Many of We feel comfortable with a comfort zone and do not dare to do something. And with such a limitation would make us surrounded and killed the opportunities to grow larger.However, if we want to use the existing time to do something new, we will get many advantages. We can use the existing time to learn something, then we can practice it and practice it in many people. By continuing to practice well, we will be more creative. Because we're creative, then we will more easily achieve greatness and happiness. Once happy, we will also be more motivated to keep getting more bnyak happiness again and again.Try to compare if we use our time to keep silence, or do things which are not useful. What can we get? Nothing! And certainly we will regret in the future.Trying something new, We will create more confidence in everyday living kehidupa. At first it might seem difficult. Weird. But still, I have prepared some tips for you to know.The first thing which you need to do adlh, focus on doing something easy, a distinguished real (real) first. Maybe at first you will feel fear, what if any? What if later ............?? Fear will only make you have to accept what you did not expect. So, ignore the feelings of fear Dlm your mind.Then, visualize keinngina we want to achieve, feel until it's really real, fragrance, color, sound. So clear, so real. :)Affirmation also do to improve your sense of self-esteem.And jngn forget to prepare mentally, because for the first time, usually doing something new things never run smoothly.
Trying new things positive which is very important and gives more mnfaat in your life and others. So, do what you want to do as long as it makes your heart feel happy and a lot of people who feel happy also ..

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