Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Speed Reading Tip - How Speed Reading Can Help Blue Collar Workers Increase Their Productivity

By Howard S Berg

Financial When you think about speed reading, you often consider students as a prime audience for that skill. After all, they have to read and write information on a regular basis. Others think about professionals. People like doctors, lawyers, accountants, financial planners, and others who need to read huge volumes of information to stay current, or take certification courses on a continuous basis to maintain their license. Did you know that speed reading can also be a major help for people having blue color professions as well? Let me explain.
Let's take a specific example. Let us look at auto mechanics. For
decades an auto mechanic needed to be an expert on fixing diesel and internal combustion engines. It was their bread and butter. Suddenly the technology changes. Today there are hybrid cars, that run on both an internal combustion engine, and a battery. Now there are cars that are fully powered by electricity, and soon they expect to see cars that are hydrogen powered. Would you be surprised if they eventually create a solar powered car as well? Now someone who had to be a mechanic has to develop the knowledge set of an engineer. Let's look at this on a deeper level.
How much time do you think it takes to learn all these new technologies? More importantly, during that learning period there is no income being produced. What if you could cut the learning curve for mastering these new technologies in half? Now what happens? You can master the new information critical to your success in half the time which gives you more time to work in your trade, or for doing other things you enjoy doing. While I used auto mechanics as my example, these same principles apply to almost anyone in a blue collar job.
Blue collar workers have to learn new technologies faster than ever before. Additionally, they have to stay on top of their mail, email, journals, magazines, and other information. For example, the new health care bill will effect many of them directly. Yet, how many blue collar workers have actually read this bill, and understand what it requires from them? Unfortunately, very few people actually take the time to read these legal documents that effect their business. It takes too much time. Yet, that information will effect both their productivity and bottom line. So what can they do?
Speed reading can dramatically increase reading speed enabling anyone to read, learn, retain, and recall important information in a fraction of the time. You can easily see that speed reading can be as critical to the success of someone in a blue collar profession as it can for a student or a professional. With so many programs available, doesn't it make sense to learn a speed reading program so you can find more time to do the things that are really important to you?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6291003

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