Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Can You Get Rich Just by Reading a Book?

By David H Wise

I personally know people who got rich and started out from zero. Reading books about getting financially independent had helped them a lot. But you won't get rich just by reading a book (unless you win the lottery or something). I think that there are 3 golden rules to follow, if you want to make it to the top.
Rule #1: define your goals, make a plan and take action
Did you know that the majority of people, who buy book, just read the first pages and then put the book away on their bookshelves? It sounds illogical, but that's the truth. Where did the motivation go? Or was there even a motivation?
You want to get rich? Why? Unfortunately most people, who would like to earn more money, they do not know why.
These books are just the tools, which can help you to achieve your goals. But first you have to know how much money do you want to earn and why do you need that amount. This is the very first step to take. And all financial experts agree on this.
Once you defined your goals, you have to make a plan and take action. This is where these books can help you a lot. Follow the instructions exactly as they say, and you will have less trouble as you normally would have.
Don't just read! Act! You won't get rich just by reading a book. You have to action.
Rule #2: be persistent
The problem with getting rich is that you have to do a lot of work as you start out. And most people will quit. Getting rich is not for the lazy people. I think that Tony Robbins used to say, that "what people are capable of is unbelievable and what they are actually do accomplish is disappointing".
The difference between those, who make it and those, who do not, is persistence. The winners win by not giving up. Remember Thomas Edison? He made one thousand attempts, before he invented the light ball. He persisted and succeeded. He was winner.
You win by achieving your goals. Those, who wrote these books, had done the same thing.
Rule #3: read the right books
I think that there are thousands of books out there about getting rich. Go visit Amazon and you'll see what I mean. With so many experts in this area, how can someone tell which of these books are worth reading it?
The answer is actually very simple: read what is working. Here is what I mean by that: read books written by people who already succeeded in their financial life or read books recommended by people you know, who already succeeded financially too. What better proof can you have, than living examples?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6440899

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