Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

The Nature Of Stress

By Williams Tehoy

What is the nature of stress? It can be positive or it can be negative, being part of daily life for all people, but it can also be a burden that is exhausting and filled with anxiety. Regardless of where it comes from, good or bad, stress can influence both the person experiencing it and the environment around them. This stress overview aims to take the mystery out of stress, sharing important information with you that can help you control stress. It is all a matter of learning and coping with stress.
What are the causes of stress?
Stress can come from both internal and external factors, including the environment around you, whether it is your job, a relationship, challenges, life situations, your home, varied difficulties or even expectations that you might have of yourself. However, modern life is riddled with heavy pressures to achieve, even look our best, which means that it is no big surprise that we view stress in a very bad light, even if biologically stress may be less negative than we realize. As a result, stress usually is a creation of the human mind in regards to things that may not yet have happened or may never happen, yet our brains anticipate based on mere assumptions.
Internal stresses can influence how we respond to our lives, the challenges that face us and if our health may be harmed as a result of that stress. Yes, these types of stresses are the most detrimental because they affect the most important parts of our lives, our sleep and rest time, not to mention our nutritional needs. Somehow our bodies and minds have evolved to adapt to the stresses of the environment around us, as well as the pressures that we and others put on ourselves. We are amongst the most evolved on the planet. Sometimes even people who cope well with stress need assistance in getting their stresses under control again.
Are there any sections of our body that are bothered the most by stress? Your reproductive system, pancreas, intestines, stomach, heart, muscles, joints, nerves and brain can suffer or sustain damage with too much stress. We do have neo-cortex which has the challenge, yet the ability and talent to adapt accordingly to our changing environments, no matter how dangerous or risky they might be. Unfortunately, the mind and body can only take so much, making stress the most risky and dangerous threats to human survival, far out doing even wars, though its final effects may take years to be realized.
Coping with stress strategies
If stress is managing your mind and body, playing havoc and making you feel ill, now is the time that you must control stress, getting assistance to reduce stress and anxiety before your mind and body finally break down permanently. As such, this stress overview can help you deal with your stress because stress is something that human beings are better adept at dealing with, making stress and the worries we subject ourselves to more psychological and thus we do not have to succumb to the illnesses or nutritional impacts if we learn proper coping mechanisms.

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