Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

How to FEEL Your Affirmations and Unleash Their True Power

By James Baty 

Affirmations are a key component of implementing the Law of Attraction correctly. They empower the mind to project a positive wave length. Positive projection encourages both action and reception. Sometimes, people use affirmations and still see or feel no change. Many times this is because the affirmations are not felt. Here are some techniques to help you feel your affirmations.
1.Understand the Power of Emotions
It is one thing to simply think something with some sort of reaction like, "Man, that sure would be nice to have some day." However, the universe will not respond to such a thought. Have you ever noticed that how you or another person feels can have a dramatic impact on your day, week, or even life? This is especially true when that person is of great importance to you, like a spouse, or someone you have a lot of exposure to, like a coworker. If you are around somebody who is feeling happy, you are more likely to feel happy. If you are around somebody who is feeling down, you will probably feel down.
This is because feelings resonate much stronger than thought. What I just said may be one of the most IMPORTANT aspects of the Law of Attraction. So, using deduction, if feeling is more powerful than thought, then one must feel their desires in order for them to be achieved.
2. Use Your Emotion to Fuel Action
In the end, the Law of Attraction is about action. You must actively think, do, and feel what you want. continuing to take action at each new progressive step to reach your goals. Here is a simple exercise. Think about your dream car, not science fiction dream car (of course twin ion engines would be nice), but a car that you want right now. First, just think of the car. You may have a picture in your head or maybe a vision of when that car passed you by on the road. Take note that you are probably feeling something very passive right now. Maybe your feelings are along the line of empathy, you like the car but know it is isn't practical, so you shrug it off. Perhaps you feel envious of those who have the car. Envy is often followed by feelings of negativity regarding your own self-worth and success.
This is what you have to do in your affirmations. You must create feelings of success, wealth, and love. Then, associate those specific feelings with specific affirmations. At the core of human existence lies experience. We pursue and avoid certain experiences based on the feelings they produce. You will be much more likely to take action and to resonate your true desires out to the universe if you truly feel your affirmations. The universe is waiting to give you what you want, all you have to do is truly figure out what that is and go after it; mind, body, and spirit.

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