Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Questions for Self-Improvement

By A McIntyre

You need to constantly question yourself if you want to improve. Questions guide your inner dialogue. They act as a guide for you to create inner and outer wealth living a life with emotional and financial freedom.
When we were still toddlers, we learn by asking questions. Sadly, when we became adults, some of us lost out ability to ask. Some deem asking as an activity only for childish individuals. Others simply neglect it because they are already satisfied with their current state. Ideally, we must never lose this ability. As long as we live, we need to ask questions. Some of these questions might have satisfying answers in the future; some might have not. BUT at least, you didn't maintain an idle mind.
We have come up with 3 questions for self-improvement. If you haven't asked yourself these questions yet, then start asking them now.
1.) Do I enjoy the things that I do?
You have to reflect on your current state. You have to make sure that you are enjoying the things that you have right now - work, relationships, and responsibilities. If there is one area in your life that seems boring, painful or monotonous to you, focus on that part. Reflect on the reason why you don't enjoy doing the things in that certain area. Strive to get out of these areas as soon as possible unless you want to live a miserable life.
2.) What is my real passion in life?
You enjoy doing what you do if it is your passion. For example, work seems so easy if you love the responsibilities that are included in it. When you enjoy what you do, you don't call it work anymore; you call it passion. People who choose not to pursue their passion live a life of misery most of the time.
3.) Do I always plan for my future?
It is not a sin to live in the present but it is a sin not to look forward to the future. Always think 5 to 10 years ahead. Think of things that you would like to achieve if you are allowed to live even for another decade. Create a list of what you would like to do and fulfill them one by one.
You can't find inspiration if you are just contented with your current state. You need to stand up and push yourself to your limit. The power of questions is inexhaustible. Famous success coach Anthony Robbins once said "quality questions create a quality life." You must put these questions in front of you in order to drive you to your goals, be rooted in your capabilities, and change your overall perception of yourself.

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