Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Change: Friend or Enemy?

By Kac Young 

In life, something is always happening isn't it? Change, chosen or thrust upon us, is our constant companion - whether we like it or not.
When we are faced with making changes in our life - whether they are physical, spiritual or mental - it helps to ask ourselves the Twelve Top Questions For Change in order to sort out our thinking, make the most of the change impulse and prevent regrets like "What was I thinking?" Like tattoos, some changes are very permanent. We are well advised to consider the outcome before making a drastic move. Ask yourself:
Why am I really making this change?
Is my desire to make a change rooted in positive motives?
What does the new outcome, or result, look like to me?
How will it affect, or alter, my life as it is now?
How will it affect those closest to me?
How committed am I to the change?
How long will it take to make the change?
What are the biggest obstacles to making this change?
Who will support me the most in the process of change?
How much will this change cost? Really can I support it financially?
How can protect myself against naysayers and temptations that may sidetrack me?
When am I willing to begin?
If we ask ourselves those questions, and are honest about the answers, we will most likely be successful at making the change. If we discover, by asking the questions, that we have questionable responses, we might want to ask for outside advice, rethink the issues, or put the change "on hold" for a month while we get to the root of the issue.
If you are confident in your motives, by all means, step out and make the change. Invigorate your life with the excitement of all that is new. Fresh beginnings, enhanced experience, challenges, goal raising, health improvement - all of these are great incentives to keep you motivated while making a life-change. Go for it. Refresh your mind, body and soul with inspiration, courage and daring. Life will become exhilarating. Pass along your enthusiasm and encourage others to make change a friend and not a foe.
If you hit a bump, don't worry. Go back to the Twelve Top Questions For Change, refresh your rationale and renew your determination to make the change. By repeating this exercise often it will help you through the challenging moments and keep you motivated and moving forward.
Kac Young is a former television director and producer, has a PhD in Natural Health, is a doctor of both Clinical Hypnotherapy and Naturopathy, has authored 8 books, and is a Minister of Religious Science. Heart Easy™ is a cookbook and a way of life she has developed to save the lives of Americans through meals they can enjoy.

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