Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Tools to Create Change

By Dee Britton 

Are you living the life that you truly desire? Is everything in your life going just the way you have always dreamed? Relationships? Wealth? Health? Career? Family? If not, then what are you doing about making the change and creating that awesome life that you were meant to live?
Creating Everlasting Change
In order to create real everlasting change in any area of your life you must be equipped with the right tools. One of the biggest problems in society today is that so many people say that they want to change and do nothing about it (except moan about their current situation). Or on the other hand they spend much time and effort gathering the tools required to change, yet never doing anything with them.
Renovating your life is just like renovating your house and it always needs constant up keep. If you are renovating your house you need to know what you want done. What room in the house needs an update, what trades you require, what equipment and tools you need and you need to know how you want the finished product to look. You can either decide to outsource the work or do it yourself. Creating a better life is just the same but many people do not invest in themselves like they invest in their homes.
Preparing Your Own Personal Tool Belt
If you have decided to do the renovating yourself it is like walking into Bunnings (a large hardware store) with an empty tool belt on. You walk in the door and you are overwhelmed. You go up and down all the different aisles and there are thousands of different tools that you could fill your tool belt with but you have only got so much room or so much capacity. You know that only the best tools, the most precise tools will ensure a fantastic renovation.
As you walk down the aisles at Bunnings and you think to yourself:
'Shit, where do I start?
'Which aisle do I go down?'
'What do I need to get this job done?'
You've got this big list of problems that you need to overcome and an even bigger list of the extra stuff that you want out of life. You need a store attendant in overalls or in a Bunnings apron (an expert in the field) to really guide you and show you how to get what you need and guide you to the specific tools that you need, so that you can just leave with all the right tools to get the job done right.
No two renovations are ever the same so the tools must be selected specifically for you.
How Much Do You Want The Change?
In order for the renovation to go ahead you must really want it to happen. You must be so sick and tired of just existing and you understand that there is so much potential, and the investment is worth it. You are aware that there will be a bit of upheaval going on and maybe some unexpected obstacles as the changes take place. But you understand that the finished product will be so much better than the current one.
The Tools Do Not Work All By Themselves
There is no use going out and getting the tools or employing the trades if you are not ready or really sure about what you want. How many renovations do you see half finished? Or do you know of people who have decided to make the change, have gone out and purchased the tools, only to have them sit in the shed collecting dust.
There are many resources available that will equip you with a full belt of tools so that you can feel fully prepared for the change. So, NOW is the time to really think about what type of renovations really need to be happening in your life. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, but NOW! Go out and get the necessary tools or trade experts and stop just thinking about it. Life is too short to live in a miserable old shack.
To health, happiness & living the life of YOUR dreams.

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