Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Keep "Doing": Empowerment to Maintain Certain Societal Virtues

By Jennifer N Daniels 

There is always something to fight for in our society, whether social, political, or environmental. Those of us that remain in the fight for a better society sometimes become weary. ("...let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart" Galatians 6:9 (RSV)). Sometimes it also seems that we are the only ones in the battle for good. On the contrary, there is a theory that may help; stemming from more obvious societal values, we glean hope!
In efforts to "reconcile our social world", John Rawls, political philosopher at Harvard University has reminded us of some necessary [political] virtues that can provide us initial encouragement.
We know that our fragmented society has always needed cooperation. And Rawls asserts that "fairness and tolerance and a willingness to meet others halfway" are the things that lend us to greater cooperation. What we are now empowered to do, in every corner of our lives, is actively pursue cooperation. And here is the reason to maintain an active pursuit: there are residual benefits that foot soldiers still in the fight may not see for ourselves and those surrounding us.
I am sure we can all think of other societal concepts that stress these precepts. What would our world look like if we all aspired to do these very things in our daily life? What type of society would we have if no one had this frame of mind?
Light at the Middle
If "a sufficient number" of us could find ourselves in a loving position like this, Rawls assures this 'hypothetical society' that "even if numerous citizens lapse on occasion," and become weary in well-doing, we can still maintain a cooperative healthy society and much more as it relates to a "realistic utopia". And this is because we pushed the persistence in the first place. Therefore, if we begin to push ourselves more to maintain purity, we can then take concessions for the times we are weak ourselves.
If you can picture each of us practicing these values -fairness, tolerance, and willingness to meet half-way -- we can significantly shape our societies foundation, one pillar at a time. We each become the basis and basic structure of our society, the face of modern times. Moreover, as we build the society up to the utopia that we have defined and hoped for in the back of our minds, we simultaneously engender a support system for ourselves when we are weak.
Always a Current
Now is the time, if ever before, to shape our nation and society as a whole, by principles that are essential to our foundation. We can sing "Kumbaya" for we have other principalities fighting for influence; but if we can finally come to a point in which many of our sectors stop discussing unity and begin to act on it, we will renew our strength. (There are many divisions in society that we could discuss, but I am sure you can think of some groups of your own.) Moreover, with faith in our hands, we will directly and indirectly hasten closer toward a "realistic utopia".
Although there is always a current pushing against our attempts at cooperation, now is the time. Now is the time for a movement, as the political tides of the United States are applying more pressure on the truth, while pushing its very essence out of consideration. Now is the time as we find increasing numbers of people turning to religion and relinquishing spirituality. Now is the time as we soldiers begin to lose heart while losing contact with others in the fight for what is 'well'. THIS is an important time! Do not faint! Understand your mutual relationship between yourself and your community and be empowered to value your action!

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